Once upon a time it was a little girl that called Goldilocks. She loved to be in the woods and if she was hungry there she would eat some wild strawberries and if she was tired she would sleep on the dry moss. One day when she was out in the wood she found a little cottage in the wood. She went in to the cottage and called `Is anybody home´ but nobody answered her. She was so hungry and she saw the porridge on the table. First she sat down on the father bears chair but that chair was to big then she sat down on the mother bears chair that was also to big. Then she sat down on the baby bears chair that was to small. So she stand up and eat. But then she was tired so she slept in the baby bears bed. Because mother and father bears beds was to big. When the bears came home Goldilocks still slept. When she woke up the bears looked at her so she run home the fastest she could.
A good summary!
...there was a little girl...
...father bear's chair... mother bear's chair.. osv
..too big-...
...she stood up...
..beds were too big.
--she ran home....